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Web Lab Experts on how to get closer to mobile users

Open your web analytics system, look at the traffic you receive from mobile devices. Now compare this figure with last year. And now with the year before. You see, every year the traffic increases almost twofold, or even more. Now analyze what the conversion from this traffic is. If there is none, or it is very small, then I recommend not blaming everything on the ineffectiveness of mobile gadgets for attracting customers. I advise you to first record what you have done to get closer to them. If nothing, then you can’t blame mobile. On the contrary, you need to become more active. What exactly needs to be done? We will talk about this in today’s edition of the “Web Lab”.

Andrey Chebotarev (expert Netocrat Communications)

No one argues anymore that mobile devices, Internet devices, influence user behavior, change their habits and develop new triggers. If you are just thinking about how to attract mobile users to communicate with you, your brand or company, you are already late. This is bad news.

The good news is that this locomotive is moving so fast that you still have a chance to catch up with those who jumped on the train in front of you and grab your piece of the pie. My first communicator was terrible. It was a Qtech slider with a qwerty keyboard. Actually, that was its only advantage, except, of course, the feeling itself: “Wow… this is a communicator.” Since then, progress has not stood still. Wearable Internet devices are becoming a reliable second screen, and for some, the first.

The first thing to think about is creating a normal

I will not crumble a loaf of bread on any of these finland phone number data technologies, too many experts have already fallen in this battle, the main thing is to choose something and do it. You should not start with a mobile application if you have not conceived a new mobile startup.

With apps, everything is much more complicated. I will only say: think thirty times before making an app as a way of communicating with your brand, if your business is not a mobile app in itself. In this case, the flag is in your hands, a designer in the team and success in your endeavors!

Apply and try it on yourself

How long has it been since you bought something in your online store, not as an employee or owner, but as a customer from the street? Exactly. Navigate your own site as a user. And this brings us back to the first question – convenient, simple, tailored for finger navigation, a fast, unmeasured interface. I am lucky, my phone has LTE, but in the conditions of modern Ukraine there are only slow 2G networks and this is worth considering.

Don’t confuse the user. Think through scenarios of his behavior on your site. Think about how he gets there and what he does. Go through these paths yourself, decide where dating data they can be shortened, made clearer. Don’t forget about the target actions and “exits” of the user. If we are talking about online stores, perhaps it is worth making a call button to the call center instead of an order form.

This is not only about mobility

Advertising on mobile devices is effective. Personal observations allow us to conclude that its effectiveness in some cases and niches is not inferior to contextual and targeted advertising. In the case of applications, everything is simpler. The main tools for advertising and promoting applications are stores, that is, online application stores: AppStore for iOS and Google Play for Android.

The main thing to remember is how a mobile phone differs from a desktop and play on it: quick access to a call, the ability to catch up with the user in any situation and in any place, the user’s attention is not wasted due to a lauren robinson account director small screen, connection speed, inconvenience of using the keyboard, the presence of a camera and microphone.

The pros and cons can be listed for a long time, you need to see them, remember them and use them for your site. If you read to the end and thought: “What the hell did he write here”, I remind you of the main idea: “Adaptive design or mobile version of the site. Urgently.


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