Use of a cane in the case of a visually impaired person. They can also be used by guide dogs. Even those unaware of its functionality can feel these changes in soil texture. A change notable enough to draw the pedestrian’s attention to their surroundings. History of Podotactile Tiles Tactile paving is a Japanese creation . It was designed in by inventor Seiichi Miyake. This wanted to help visually impaired people move safely outdoors. Seiichi even invested his own money in creating the design. They were first used in , on a street near a school for blind children in the city of Okayama. However, its use was popularized by the Japan Railway company thanks to its installation on train platforms in the s.
The system did not become a common
Requirement in the country until the s. Japan, the United Kingdom and Australia were some of the first countries to adopt the use of podotactile surfaces in their urban design. The United States and Canada adopted the invention during the s. What types of Podotactile Surfaces exist? There is a wide variety of podotactile tiles with different colors. They are perceived shapes Saudi Phone Arabia Number Data and meanings that follow a specific code depending on the country . Due to their shape we can classify them as warning signs for dangerous areas or guidance signs to mark the accessible path. On the one hand, warning signs have button or domed surfaces that transmit discomfort when walking on them.
These tiles warn of specific hazards
Such as steps or ramps. On the other hand, those with lines or wheels are the guidance signs . Its function is to indicate the transition from the sidewalk to the street. They are perceived that is, to guide the movement of pedestrians. In general, podotactile surfaces Vietnam Phone Number Data are painted with striking colors to make them more locatable. The bright yellow color is the most used, given its high contrast with the urban environment. It is also associated with danger and is the last color that the human eye stops seeing. In this way some people with residual vision can also distinguish it. These podotactile surfaces can be made with different materials. Rubber is one of the most common .