The period to carry out the works is months

From when the subsidy is granted. And months in the case of communities with more than homes . In addition, both owners and communities. That want to carry out rehabilitation projects to improve the efficiency. Of homes must request pre-concession from the city council . From here, the project is executed, and the amount is paid in advance. Aid for housing rehabilitation will only be paid to the beneficiaries after completing the work. Therefore, in the event of non-availability of capital. For the work. The granting of a loan that covers of the works is foreseen. This loan would have a maximum repayment period of years. But this is not a -interest loan.

First funds available for Housing

Rehabilitation Source Aid-Subsidies Blog Of the first. European recovery funds that Spain will receive, . billion euros will be allocated to two programs . The first of them will be allocated to the rehabilitation for the economic and social recovery of Laos Phone Number Data neighborhoods and private homes. Regarding the second program. It focuses on the rehabilitation of public buildings , distributed proportionally according to each Community. On the other hand, a fund of , million euros will also be allocated for the Program for the construction of housing for social rental in energy efficient buildings .

This program will allow the construction

Tax benefits to boost demand for aid It should be noted that the Government, with the main purpose of promoting demand for rehabilitation projects, has established different tax benefits aimed at two groups. Individual owners who can have a Norway Phone Number Data deduction if the demand for air conditioning is reduced by due to the works. Also, a deduction in personal income tax if the reduction is or you get an A or B in the energy certification . Owners who face the improvements as a community they can get a deduction if they reduce non-renewable energy consumption by a minimum of or obtain an A or B energy certificate .

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