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Why do you need a mobile version of your website?

There is an opinion that a mobile version of a website is a waste of time and money for development. Sometimes the customer says, “Why do we need it at all? It will open just fine in a browser on a phone.” Today we will talk about why it is important to make a good mobile version of a website and what benefits it brings.

Let’s start with the obvious.

Nowadays, everyone uses a smartphone. Internet access has become available from anywhere in the world. Now it is not necessary to turn on the computer to find the necessary information. And the more convenient your site is on a mobile phone list of a complete list of unit cell phone numbers the higher the client’s trust in your company. Believe me, it is better to make a convenient version of the site than to burden a potential client with the need to zoom in to read something.

Fast loading from mobile

list of a complete list of unit cell phone numbers

The site usually contains a large amount of text, photos and videos. All this content is adapted for a mobile phone. This mainly concerns photo and video content. Such materials weigh a lot, and in order for the site to load faster, some elements can be completely removed or resized. In addition, mobile Internet is not always as fast as on a PC. This should also be taken into account. Your healthy and heavy site may simply not load, and the client is not ready to wait any longer.

Information available at any time

Let’s say a client remembered your company on the way to work. He needs the address or the cost. He needs to close the issue here and now. And your cleverly devised website only loads one page slowly ‘come market your business with me’: an innovative program for australian entrepreneurstaiwan number and you need several.

Search Ranking Increase

Everything you do with your guatemala lists site affects search results in one way or another. A high-quality, clear and easy mobile version raises you several notches higher in search queries. So let’s do without this “no, just a site is enough for us.”

He won’t put it in his schedule and allocate time for it later.

User convenience = trust in the company. Therefore, do not skimp on adapting the site for phones if you do not want to be inferior to the competitor in all positions.

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