In the case of actions to improve energy efficiency

The subsidy will remain at of the budget. Up to a maximum of , euros , so it could reach a cost of , euros. The Royal Decree that regulates this aid establishes a limit of , euros per application . Now, the BOE includes that for single-family homes the budget will be. Euros and for communities of owners , , euros per home. The budget allocated to the improvement of entire buildings will be delivered to the community, which will be for the rehabilitation of envelopes. As well as for high-efficiency common boilers and the inclusion of photovoltaic installations . It is important to highlight that the amount of aid allocated to the rehabilitation of homes is on the energy efficiency achieved .

Conditions to apply for subsidies interior-rehabilitation

Source Unsplash Like any subsidy, this is from the Public Administration. Which has established a series of requirements to be able to benefit from it. In the case of an investment to improve energy efficiency, a reduction in non-renewable Kuwait Phone Number Data energy consumption would have to be achieved. It is also essential to have what is known as a ‘ building book. Which records the current situation of the building and where all the improvements that are pending are , including energy improvements. The preparation of this will be subsidized with a minimum of , euros . Likewise, Housing Rehabilitation Projects carried out by sector technicians may be between up to a limit ofeuros .

In addition detached or semi-detached single-family

Homes must be from before , these being the habitual or permanent address. In addition, they must also provide the resulting technical improvement report dated prior to the request. Regarding homes in neighboring communities , these must also be from before . Added to this are other requirements such as that at least of the constructed area be above Namibia Phone Number Data ground , that at least of the homes are their habitual residence, and that the technical report is presented in accordance with community standards. Deadlines to request Aid for Housing Rehabilitation in The modification of the – Housing Plan extends the deadline for granting aid for housing rehabilitation to December.

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