Walls to be thicker than usual in order to guarantee their structural resistance in general and to seismic movements. This way we also ensure that it preserves the thermal properties inside the home. There are two methods for rigging these walls. Tail rigging , a technique that places the brick so that we leave the header side resulting in a wall as wide as the length of its bricks. It is for load-bearing structures or exterior walls thanks to its thermal. Inertia. rig-to-tail Source: ArchDaily Mexico And the rope rig , in which the bricks are longitudinally, leaving only the length side of the brick resulting in a thinner wall depending on the width of the bricks.
It is mainly used on interior walls due to its space
Rigging-to-rope Source: ArchDaily Mexico The wooden beams that are usually are with a minimum thickness of cm or in the case of concrete straps, a maximum thickness of two thirds of the width of the wall, filling the rest with mud to avoid thermal Singapore Email List bridges. As for the type of mortar to place the bricks, clay works best because it has the same characteristics, contracting and swelling as the bricks do. The mortar must be wet before applying it between the blocks to prevent cracks from occurring after drying. The water, electricity and communications installations are out together with the construction of the walls.
Placing the pipes inside the walls and protecting
With brick or plastic. Other aspects to take into account Regarding windows and doors , it is advisable to leave openings to place them at least cm from the corners, with beams cm long, with meter being the minimum distance between them. There Kenya Phone Number Data shouldn’t be too many as this will weaken the structure. The roofs of adobe houses traditionally vary depending on location. They are usually made of wood and are laid flat, but not level, with horizontal beams with other materials. The next step is to select a coating. Builders usually use mud plaster, lime, lime plaster or cement coatings to protect adobe walls.