This section deserves to be bigger than the email finders. There are plenty of email finders out there so the problem right. Now is finding the right names and domains to feed into them to turn into emails.
Below are a list of popular methods for getting data.
Followerwonk is a tool that lets you analyze and download data from Twitter. How do you use it to get 2000 leads in 1 hour?
Ask yourself ‘which twitter account are my target users likely to follow?’
Example: If you sell rental insurance then AirBnB followers are likely to be interested in insurance for homes they rent.
You can download 10,000s of those followers into a file using. and upload that file to Anymailfinder. Hunter to get their emails (for those that have a legitimate business domain).
The best part, it gives you an easy subject header: ‘I saw that you follow AirBnB on Twitter’.
Alternative to Followerwonk? which lets you download potentially 1 million records per account and has a free version that lets you test out 1,000 at a time.
Buzzsumo similar to Followerwonk
Lets you download up to 10,000 rows of twitter data France Phone Numbers but specifically. Lets you download all the people who shared a tweet.
Search on for a tweet being shared that relates to How do you generate your product. If you were selling house insurance then you might look for all the people who shared ‘Top AirBnB rental tips’.
Download the file containing those people who shared that tweet and some of them will contain the name and domain. Upload that to the email finder.
Your email subject header is made in heaven “I saw that you tweeted.
Crunchbase did previously let you download their entire. Dataset of 100,000s of companies including the name of the founder and the domain. There is a sign up process to get that dataset. However, you can instead purchase that also lets you see who was recently funded and download their data.
A real frikkin monster
It’s like being able to do a google search Afghanistan Phone Number List and download all the data but it filters out. The crap and leaves you with the companies.
The files contain names, job titles, emails, social accounts. How How do you generate much they spend, what tech they use, where they are and more. It’s the nuts.
This is an example screen shot of a file downloaded and part of what it includes.