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Backend and frontend development: principles and differences

Backend and frontend are two development methods that interact with each other to combine the server and user parts of a single service.


What is frontend development?

Frontend is the user part of a website . The main task of frontend development is to create a beautiful and high-quality interface, and at the same time, so that each element is responsible for its functions. All work is carried out with an emphasis on a high level of user convenience and an attractive appearance of the site page. A frontend developer, in fact, makes the layout drawn by the designer alive, and some elements functional.

Frontend earnings can be confused with the specialty “Layout designer”. However, the layout designer’s task is exclusively to place the finished design on the site. Frontend development also includes the task of connecting the interface with the server side of the Web site.

In order to perform this task list of anhui cell phone numbers a frontend developer must have the following:

  • JavaScript skills ;
  • Understand CMS ( WordPress , Joomla, Bitrix , etc.);
  • Have an understanding of how popular libraries work;
  • Understand CSS ;
  • Be able to use graphic editors;
  • Understand databases and query languages;
  • Have an understanding of backend architecture .

This list is the main one for a frontend developer. The knowledge base and skills should develop in accordance with the developer’s experience.

Frontend development includes

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Frontend development is work primarily to create a user interface. A user who goes to a website first sees its interface. The impression of the appearance and ease of use that the user will have will depend on the quality of the developer’s work.

What is backend development?

If frontend development is responsible for the external part of the user interface, then the backend is responsible for the internal, technical part of the Web site. The backend is not visible to the user. The software performs all operations in the form of codes ‘come market your business with me’: an innovative program for australian entrepreneurstaiwan number and users see the result of the operations performed.

All backend developers work on the client-server-client principle.

Backend development is a precise and labor-intensive job. There is no room for creativity : all the work consists of writing competent code.

For development, the specialist uses server programming languages. These are:

  1. Java ;
  2. Python ;
  3. PHP ;
  4. Ruby .

Also, to perform the work efficiently, the developer must have knowledge and understand the principle of database operation, characteristics and capabilities of the hardware.

How do backend and frontend development interact?

Backend and frontend interact with business leads each other according to the following principle. The user gets to the website and interacts with the user interface. By clicking on any button, the frontend sends a request to the server side of the service. The backend accepts, processes the request and gives the request a certain form. The processed request is returned to the site and displayed to the user as frontend .

There are also other types of interaction:

  1. HTTP requests — the request is sent directly to the server. The server accepts the request and searches for data according to the given request. The server inserts the found data into the template and returns it back as an HTML page.
  2. AJAX – ( JavaScript and XML ) the request is sent by JavaScript , and the response comes in XML or JSON format .
  3. Single page application   – data is loaded without refreshing the page. Operations are performed using AJAX .
  4. Ember — facilitates the use of the application on the server and in the client. For interaction between the backend and frontend, HTML code and AJAX are used .


During the development process, backend and frontend practically do not intersect. However, the developed architectures cannot interact in any way without each other. The developers of each method are responsible for their hardware and develop their skills  in the chosen field.

There are many software and services for each of the development methods. As a profession, the demand for backend and frontend developers has increased. The developers themselves can earn decent money, given that they will understand the chosen field. This is due to the fact that backend and frontend development is a complex, multi-level and labor-intensive process. Any mistake or miscalculation can result in a big problem and it will take a lot of effort and time to find failures and make changes.

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