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Soif Your Site Attracted

Soif your site attracted 100,000 viewers and 45,000 of them bounced after seeing only . One pagethen you’d calculate your bounce rate like this: 100,000 45,000 = 0.45 x . 100 = 45 in this examplethe bounce rate would be 45%. 7. Brand awareness . Brand awareness is one of the most important metrics for ecommerce sitesbut it’s another . Metric that isn’t measured numerically. Knowing how many people have seen or heard about your .

Brand Allows You to Know

Brand allows you to know how far your bulgaria phone number material promotional efforts have reached and what you . Must do to reach even more consumers. You need to define your brand identity and . Voice to boost awareness and reach. Online platforms like tailor brands can help you set . Up a professional brand identity and reach wider audienceswhile a service like hootsuite can . Help you monitor your social media engagement and mentions. To measure your brand awarenessgather .

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Informationon Visits to Your

Information on visits to your websitesocial media instagram lead generation tactics for small businesses likessocial engagementonline searches for your . Businessand social media mentions. Follow these metrics from month to month to determine if . Your brand is growing stronger or weaker over time. 8. Conversion rate conversion rate is . One of the most crucial ecommerce performance metrics as it measures the percentage of website . Visitors who complete a desired actionsuch as purchasing. A high conversion rate indicates that .

Business Effectively TurnsIts

A business effectively turns its website traffic into indonesia lists saleswhile a low conversion rate exposes . Issues with the website’s design or marketing strategy. For instanceleatherculta brand specializing in . Leather pants for men and accessoriesis an excellent example of an ecommerce business that . Pays close attention to its conversion rates. It utilizes almost all social media channels to . Increase its social presence andas a resulthas been able to drive more traffic .

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