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How to Create a High CTR Ad

Tips to help make your ads more attractive.


Nowadays, more than half of users on the web ignore banners and pop-ups, and 41% use applications that block ads. More than 54% of users do not trust online ads and do not visit promoted sites. We talk about how to create attractive ads in our article.

How to create a banner that grabs attention and what does it have to do with banner blindness?

According to data from Prestige Marketing cyprus mobile phone numbers database users aged 55 and over are the most likely to click on banners. Millennials and Generation Z usually ignore banner advertising – the reason for this is the so-called clip thinking.

While watching a series, they scroll through their Instagram feed, text with friends, search for information about new films or listen to music. It is an impossible task to fully let through huge amounts of information, so both generations High CTR rigorously filter irrelevant information, saving themselves from overload. One of the peculiarities of clip thinking is a built-in firewall that operates according to the 8-second rule. If the information does not interest the recipient during this time, it will be ignored and forgotten by him.

The interesting and useful information presented in the banner is also of great importance. Studies show that 58% of users do not visit promoted pages because they consider the content of the ads irrelevant.

The idea of ​​clip thinking is also explored in the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, which features Silicon Valley tech and innovation experts, and was co-created by Justin Rosenstein, one of the creators of the “Like” button, former Pinterest president, and former Facebook monetization chief Tim Kendall.

In addition, users ignore banner advertising for the following reasons:

  • 61% of users do not want to be distracted;
  • 57% fear spam after clicking on a banner;
  • 55% are afraid of downloading a computer virus;
  • 31% worry that their online activity may be tracked.

9 Rules for Creating Effective Banner Ads High CTR

The average CTR of banner ads is 0.25% – if this indicator is above 2%, the ad can be considered very effective . To eliminate the problem of banner blindness and exceed the threshold of 0.5%, the ad should be catchy. The following recommendations will help to achieve this:

#1. Define the goal and develop a structure. A banner is a tool that helps solve one of four tasks: increasing brand recognition, increasing sales why discipline in marketing brings better results informing the audience about something, or redirecting them to partners.

Stick to the following rule: one banner, one goal . The format, design, texts, and selection of advertising channels will be based on this. For example, a banner that is supposed to shape the brand’s image should evoke positive emotions, and a remarketing ad banner should be simple and informative.

#2. Take care of the right channel. Choose platforms whose content is consistent with the advertised product or service: on culinary blogs it is worth promoting food or cookbooks, and on websites dedicated to travel – guidebooks, tourist equipment or hotels.

#3 Choose a good placement for your ad. Europeans browse content from left to right. It is best to place banners on the first screen or at the top of the screen, in the middle – this is what the founder of

Nielsen Norman Group, Jakob Nielsen, High CTR says in his study.

According to his data guinea lists most users browse webpage elements in an order that resembles the shape of the letter “F”: they first focus on the top lines, and the lower they go, the less they read horizontally, gravitating their eyes to the elements located on the left edge.

Eye Tracking Study: How Users “Scan” Websites

To create a heatmap of your website, use Heatmap.com or Hotjar – they will show you exactly how users use your site and where they click most often.

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#4. Adapt the banner to mobile devices . Almost 70% of the population uses smartphones. The key requirements for a mobile ad format are good contrast and appropriate detail, as well as a size that will be comfortable to click with your thumb. 49% of users hold their smartphones with one hand, so it is quite difficult to hit small elements.

It will also be beneficial to place ads on content pages (e.g. a blog) – when viewing them on a mobile phone or tablet, the user has nowhere to look away while scrolling the page.


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