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Social Media Trends for 2018

Social media dominated the digital marketing market in 2017 and is expected to grow even more this year, transforming the way brands interact with their customers and leads. According to data released by Facebook itself, the social network reached 2 billion users in 2017. Instagram, according to Carolyn Everson, a Facebook executive, has around 800 million active users per month, with 500 million accessing the app every day.

To understand the importance of social media today buy phone number list Verto Analytics, a company specializing in digital behavior, conducted a study on the time spent on social media by Americans. The study found that users in the country spend around 899 minutes per month on Facebook and 242 minutes on Snapchat.

Given such impressive numbers, the biggest challenge for those who work with social media is to keep up with its constant developments. In addition, the public’s reaction to these new features also impacts the way companies should explore social media.

Therefore, closely monitoring this area and keeping an eye on social media trends for this year is essential for campaigns to be increasingly assertive and able to achieve the desired engagement from followers.

In this post, we’ve gathered the main social media trends for the year that has just begun. Check them out!

Social media groups

There is a good expectation that the resources that were successful in 2017 will grow even more in the social media segment now in 2018. The groups launched by companies on networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn have become great tools for companies to engage their followers, strengthening relationships.

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For this year, the trend is for these groups to expand, as they can help with the algorithm of company profiles, in addition to being a way to overcome the decline in organic reach.

Ephemeral content is a trend for 2018

One of the highlights of social media in 2017 was the expansion of ephemeral content. Instagram ‘s Stories feature became a hit with the public and also won over companies. This temporary content, which in the case of Stories lasts 24 hours, awakens a sense of urgency in users to view such action, and this is an important gain for companies.

three valuable google analytics 4 reports for seo professionals Furthermore, ephemeral content is also great for showing the authenticity of the brand, since it is produced quickly and portrays the reality of the company. This action is ideal for bringing customers closer to the company and, therefore, is a strong trend for this year of 2018.

Audiovisual even more valued

We all know that audiovisual content is a success on social media. However, the trend is that this strategy will become even stronger in 2018. On Facebook , for example, around half a billion people consume videos in just one day.

Due to this success, it is common to see an increase in audiovisual productions on social media during this year, giving companies a new challenge: creating creative content. Keeping up with the latest news, launching trends and thinking outside the box are some of the tips for exploring audiovisual content assertively.

Don’t invest in mobile? 2018 is your ultimatum

Mobile was a trend years ago and it seems strange to mention it in this post focusing on 2018. However, we decided to talk about it because it is estimated that this year more than 2.4 billion people will be active crypto email list mobile users , however, the production of adaptable content, especially for social media, does not match this frank expansion.

If your company still doesn’t focus on producing content for mobile, know that 2018 is the ultimatum to change that and achieve better engagement on social media.

So, did you like the social media trends for the year that has just begun? If you need a qualified partner to manage your online campaigns next year, contact us and find out how our team of experts can help your company take off !

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