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Lead generation: for both big and small!

Lead generation is one of the significant areas of Internet marketing for large, medium and small businesses. However, in the vastness of the RuNet, it is at the initial stage of development, which can safely be call “rudimentary”.

This is mainly due to the “mentality” of users of the Russian-speaking segment of the network, technical or budgetary for both big limitations, as well as the wide popularity of the SEO approach as the only way to attract potential buyers/users decision maker email list and promote an Internet resource. Let’s not forget that most SEM technologies come to us from the West and their introduction to the market takes time.

Today, the LPgenerator platform offers completely unique lead generation capabilities for advertising campaigns with any budget.

Let us remind you that:

“Lead” is contact information receiv from a user interested in purchasing certain goods and/or services. As a rule, leads are generated using special landing pages that contain a “questionnaire” form. A lead can be not only the  questionnaire for both big data of an online user, but also, for example, the contact information of a client that he gives to a taxi driver while waiting for transport, or a call from an interested buyer to the company (provided that the manager makes a return call), etc.

decision maker email list

The expression “to get a lead” means that a potential client transfers their contact information to a seller (or service) in order to obtain additional information about a product (service) from the latter, follow by concluding a deal.

“Lead generation” is the process of finding a market of potential buyers and influencing them with marketing tools (advertising banners, PPC, mailings, etc.) in order to obtain contact information and then conclude a deal. This strategy can significantly increase the number of real sales. It can be carri out seasonally (only on holidays) and/or throughout the year.

Online Lead Generation Methods

  • Internet newsletters (email marketing)
  • Main Website and SEO Traffic
  • Landing Pages and PPC or Display Traffic
  • CPA traffic
  • Affiliate programs with cost per lead (CPL)

Lead Management System

It is not hard to guess that when what is a b2b marketing strategy? receiving a lead to a standard email box, it will be quite difficult to track the entire sales process. If lead processing is done via email, then there is no point in talking about its optimization and increasing the number of transactions.

“Lead management system” is a mechanism for both big that helps process the receiv questionnaire data. Lead processing includes:

  • contact with the prospective buyer;
  • obtaining statistical data;
  • increasing and optimizing conversion by analyzing the work done.
  • New Lead Management System LPgenerator

Of course, not all leads are “convert” (turne into real profit). However, if you compare this customer acquisition strategy with, for example, PPC traffic, the return on investment (ROI) from such an advertising campaign will be much higher.

Lead receiv. What to do next?

There are two different, yet complementary, methods of processing leads:

Email marketing (mailing) is the organization agent email list of “primary” and subsequent contacts with the client via email. The deal is conclud after a series of thematic mailings.

Telemarketing is a telephone for both big contact with a potential client to conclude a deal. The efficiency of this method is much higher, but it is associat with additional costs (requires a sales department, competent personnel, time costs, etc.

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