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The Basics of Proper Lead Qualification, or How to Increase Marketing ROI?

To effectively pursue long-term sales opportunities, you need a sufficient number of sales-ready leads.But identifying and qualifying them is not an easy task, and the only effective method for obtaining sales-ready leads is lead qualification. As Marketing Sherpa notes, many marketers are still in the process of implementing lead qualification techniques into their daily operations. However, this group of activities can increase marketing ROI by 77%.

Lead qualification requires critical thinking. Based on the scores you receive, you can determine which contacts are hot, warm, or cold, thus identifying the people who are ready to be actively “worked on” by you.

Unqualified leads b2b email list will simply eat up a sales rep’s time. Vantive Media CEO and blogger Chuck Schaeffer says lead scoring can be an accurate indicator for when to engage, and basing the process on multiple factors (numerical and relative scores) elevates its effectiveness to a higher level.

However, before you dive head-on into Proper Lead Qualification Multiple Lead Scoring or Account Lead Scoring, you need to understand the basic approaches of the discipline itself, which can vary depending on the criteria and strategies of different types of businesses.

B2B Lead Generation: Less is Better, but More Qualified

Getting Started: Scoring Based on Company Information

For B2B companies, it’s especially important to have knowledge about the client — business size, number of employees, industry, revenue, and target market. To get this information, feel free to add relevant fields to your lead forms. You can also find these details on the client’s website and professionally-focused social media (such as LinkedIn).

b2b email list

How to assign points?

Take a basic scale, say 1 to 10. Using that, you can add and subtract points based on the information you gather and the behavior of the lead. If you’re a SaaS company, your target is small and medium businesses. That means generative ai in search: how to adapt your marketing strategy you’ll be looking at companies with 10 to 500 employees, in any industry, with $1 million to $5 million in revenue, and working with the technology you sell. Proper Lead Qualification Based on that, you’ll add 5 points to a company with 10+ employees, but subtract 5 points from a company with 1,000+ employees. So you’re adding and subtracting points based on the criteria you’ve chosen.

Lead Qualification: How to Close More Deals?

Qualification based on online behavior

The lead’s recorded level of activity on your website or landing page is the determining factor for online behavior-based qualification. What actions did the visitor take while on the page? Did they view the pricing page, download files, visit landing pages, fill out forms? Scores are based on these factors. The types of pages and forms the visitor interacted with are just as important as the number of them.

How to assign points?

Assign points from 1 to 10 to different pages depending on their importance or Proper Lead Qualification based on your priority scale. Add or subtract points, evaluating the lead’s activity/inactivity on the page. If a person visited the price page, add 5 points, downloaded a file – add another 3. If the lead’s activity on the site stops, assign negative ratings.

Qualification based on email marketing effectiveness

People are visiting your pages and signing up agent email list . But you’re not sure which contacts are hot. Monitor your email open rates to see which leads are good.

How to assign points?

Assign a certain number of points to each element and each link in your emails. 1 point for opening an email, 3 for clicking on a link, 5 for studying the offer or other actions you plan. Unsubscribing is negatively assessed.

Lead qualification criteria according to LPgenerator

Qualification based on social interaction

How a lead interacts with your brand via social media is important to understanding their purchasing intent. Track people’s social activity. Did they like your tweet or Facebook status update? Did they share a link? Did they comment on an offer on your profile? Proper Lead Qualification Do they like your page? All of this requires scoring and then weeding out unqualified leads.

How to assign points?

Check the activity of users in your social media groups on a 10-point scale (liked a page, post or tweet, shared, commented, etc.). Lack of activity is assessed negatively.

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